Thursday, June 10, 2010

BP's history of not caring

I don't purport that I'm going to become a major blogger, but since I set this up, I ought to post something now and again. What's foremost on my (and lots of peoples') minds these days is the ongoing disaster in the Gulf of Mexico caused by British Petroleum. It is heartbreaking and infuriating, and I don't need to amplify on that.

I live in the Florida Keys. We here have our fingers crossed in hopes that we don't end up with a lot of BP's criminality on these islands. There is no punishment severe enough for BP and the people running the company. Tony Hayward, BP's CEO, should have been stuffed into the ruptured pipe the first day, and another BP executive, going down the line, each successive day.

Here's a link to an article from Propublica, a condensed version of which was in the Washington Post a few days ago, about BP's very dismal record of not caring about worker safety or the environment.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter message

Happy Easter, everyone. And watch the chocolate bunnies.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wow... that was easy.

Nothing special on my mind at the moment, but I wanted to register so I could comment on others' blogs some way other than as A-Nony-Moose. I'll get with the program and say something... uhm... profound, sooner or later.